Innovation Lab

Driving Innovation Forward

Amundi Technology’s Innovation Lab leads the response to technological disruption, AI evolving landscape and climate change, promoting a spirit of innovation.

Innovation Lab_Our Mission
Innovation Lab_Our Mission

Our Story

Innovation at our core

The Innovation Lab by Amundi Technology was founded in 2020 with the mission to blend internal culture with cutting-edge ideas. We don’t just centralize innovation; we distribute, orchestrate, and nurture it across the financial landscape. Our lab integrates a broad spectrum of expertise from algorithmic prowess to financial data analysis, driving innovation forward with every project. This diverse team promotes innovation as a core ethos, driven by the belief that "innovation is not a process, it is a spirit." The Lab emerged from Amundi’s culture of prioritizing innovation, weaving together diverse initiatives and expertise in new business opportunities, technological innovation, and quantitative finance.

The Innovation Lab is designed to accelerate Amundi Technology's innovation projects, support its clients' businesses, help smoothly adopt new technologies, but also leverage the inclusion of third-party fintech and innovation. Innovation is in Amundi's DNA, and the launch of Amundi Technology has strengthened the position of the Innovation Lab to promote innovation as a key differentiator in serving our clients. The team actively scans market trends, selects innovative technologies, and collaborates with key stakeholders to develop fresh and open solutions for actors in the industry.

Our Innovation Lab

An organizational model with 3 main components:

The Incubation Unit

Designed to help develop internal projects within the group as well as external startups

The Prospecting Division

To examine future industry trends and propose new products and services

The Technical Arm

To help ALTO users develop their own coding and software development skills

ALTO 5 Cubes
ALTO 5 Cubes

15 Cross-functional experts


Incubation unit, prospecting division, and a technical arm

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Continuous integration of cutting-edge technologies


Co-construct solutions with industry leaders


Empowers ALTO users with data-centric developments tools


Artificial intelligence uses case studies for real-world application

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Talk to Our Team

Find out how our solutions, partnerships, and innovation can benefit your business.
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See our platforms in action

Discover the ways ALTO platforms empower our clients in their daily operations.
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Join us

Be part of the transformation in the financial industry with us. Join us today.

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